Friday 27 March 2015

New Workout Ideas for Women

Hello ladies, Delaney here. I am an active women and enjoy the outdoors and keeping active. I am also always on the look out for new and improve ways of keeping fit and living a healthy lifestyle.

So today I want to discuss a new workout that I have recently gotten into and really enjoying it very much. Its called suspension training.

TRX Training For Women
I have been seeing this lately around local parks and the gyms that I visited. At first I was unaware of how popular TRX is and did not take much notice to it. But the more I saw of it, the more intrigued I became and started to take notice and look into it.

I purchased my own set of TRX straps and Dan Longs Suspension Revolution and wow I was sold after the very first workout. It is so straight forward and simple to pick up.

The beauty of suspension training is that you will not be limited to the same workout area all the time. You can practically workout anywhere you want as long as you have a strong and secure anchor point. From there, there are no limits.

Suspension training for women has huge advantages because you are not using any weights. No heavy lifting and worrying about not being able to use heavy equipment. You simply using your own body weight as resistance which means your are in control of your own intensity.

What I found excellent about Dan Long's program is that it is great for any level. If you are starting out like me, you will be introduced to the Beginner TRX which is a 4 week program with basic workouts that are super effective that builds your core and strength to get you to the next level which is intermediate then advanced.

For us ladies, this makes suspension exercises an excellent form of workouts because you will lose weight, tone up and get in great shape ready for those summer beach days.

Visit for more information about TRX training and new and exciting exercises that women can do on their TRX.